As you know our old Knuipe is closed but I hope you will find this new place as cosy as the old one. Of course, Uncle Sergej, Madame Nini and the kids are here already!

Knutitours is still running although the big version is gone. We still have our Knuipe and I hope you will find the new place as cosy as the previous was!
Good Morning
We had the the heavy thunderstorms at night.
Now its quiet and much more pleasant, with
cooler temperatures. I wish everybody a
nice weekend!
I am sad that the old Knuipe has closed well before 31 August but life must go on and I am glad that we have this place.
I have left the house Knuphone logged in to the new Knuipe.
I managed to take screen captures on this phone of years (except 2014) up to March 2018 with some large gaps.
If the chance occurs I will carry on.
On the positive side it is easier to type here and post comments.
Mervi: Das schoene Bear-Club Bild laedt zum Trinken ein. Das will ich nun auch tun. Prost!
Good day! Guten Tag!
There are problems in the old Knuipe so I write here instead.
Chris, Ralph - I hope the log in will work from now on. I guess there will be some 'baby diseases' in the beginning but I'm glad everybody has managed to get in here.
Anita has posted some Summer photos and a nice video in KM. Maybe you want to take a bike ride with her?
Now Uncel Sergej and I wish you all a very cosy weekend!